Course Tutoring Offerings

Use the course list below to see which services are available for your course(s).
If you don't see support for the course or subject you need,
  1. Email the Academic Success Center:
  2. Schedule an online appointment with an Academic Success Mentor.
  3. Submit an online Tutoring Request Form (right). Staff will get back to you within 48 hours.

 ODUGlobal Students: You’ll have access to tutoring via BrainFuse, a new online tutoring platform designed to meet your needs. This service is located within your canvas course. To learn more about this resource, visit BrainFuse for ODUGlobal students.

Find Mentoring Support

Common Tutee and Tutor Expectations

Request Tutoring Support Form

Complete the linked form to see what resources are available for your course(s).

Tutoring Resources

Find a Study Group

Need a study group? Post your name, email address, and course(s) you're taking. Browse through the wall, and connect with others taking the same class!